Dracaena goldieana is a slightly uncommon variety of Dracaena. They're similar, but different to other species in their family. While others can tolerate lower light conditions, this one would prefer to be in a brighter-filtered like space. We hear they can be picky, but haven't had any alarming experiences with them. Just like other Dracaena, they will eventually grow tall and tree-like!
Dracaena prefer a bright filtered light. They can tolerate some direct sun but too much can cause their foliage to burn. Water every 10-12 days as the soil nearly drys. When re-potting use a semi-coarse soil medium.
Dracaena goldieana is a slightly uncommon variety of Dracaena. They're similar, but different to other species in their family. While others can tolerate lower light conditions, this one would prefer to be in a brighter-filtered like space. We hear they can be picky, but haven't had any alarming experiences with them. Just like other Dracaena, they will eventually grow tall and tree-like!
Dracaena prefer a bright filtered light. They can tolerate some direct sun but too much can cause their foliage to burn. Water every 10-12 days as the soil nearly drys. When re-potting use a semi-coarse soil medium.